Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jail Bird

I was trying to put Isa to bed, went to check on her and this is what I funny!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Watch out...I'm on the move! Isa's now crawling

For a couple of weeks I have been able to go from sitting to all fours and then push ups. Now I know how crawl...take a look!

Snow day!

Today mom took me to go play in the snow at Three Bears Park. Dad has been telling mom to take me here all summer and we finally went to go play in the snow. So fun!

I felt like Ralphy's little brother Randy from the Christmas Story. I could barely move in this thing mom had me bundled up so much! Ugh! hahaha

Finally something I enjoy, swings! Weee this is fun! This is the first time ever being in a swing and I can not wait until we can come here more often! :)

Isa's first bubble bath....Ruba dub dub

It's official....I love getting a bath but I love the bubble baths ten times more!